Monday, March 22, 2010

Empower you and me.

"The Bill of Choices will make our government more transparent and effective. Our government will let taxpayers choose where their money will go, by setting up accounts for different government departments. For example, there will be social security account for elderly and economically challenged people; health account for hospital services, and education account for school and training, a transportation account for roads and bridges, as well as a defense account for military. Every quarter the government departments will have the mandate to publish a report telling taxpayers how much money they used and how it was allocated. Additionally, the report will estimate how much money the government will need for the following quarter and for which departments, however the taxpayers will deposit their money wherever they consider more important. There can be a pending account for overflowing funds from other accounts or for someone who has no choices. The pending account maybe used for the underfunded but valuable departments."

I need your helps to pass the Bill of Choices. The bill just starts a concept design to reform the 800 years old political system. Step by step, We will work for a general design and a construction design; We will build and benefit from a new transparent and effective government together.

It's not tax, It's choices. If you agree with this bill, please forward to your friends and MPs of The House of Commons of Canada. Thank you.

Yours truly,

Feng Gao


  1. Mission Statement

    The impetus for the Bill of choices is excessive government spending and taxation. Our mission is to attract and mobilize our individual citizens to actively involve public policies consistent with our two core values of Fiscal Responsibility and Return the power to individual citizen.

  2. Core Values

    • Fiscal Responsibility

    • Return the power to individual citizen

    Fiscal Responsibility: Fiscal Responsibility by our government should honor and respect the freedom of the individual to allocate their tax money that is the fruit of their own labor. Our government will let taxpayers choose where their money will go, by setting up accounts for different government departments.

    Return the power to individual citizen : A free market is the economic consequence of personal liberty. After election, our politics have monopoly power to spend our tax money without consulting any taxpayer. Therefore, we support the free market principles on turning taxable income into choices for the taxpayer. We also support the personal liberty of the individual, within the rule of law.

  3. Our Philosophy
    A leader is best when people barely know he exists, however not so good when people obey and acclaim him, worst when they despise him. But of a good leader, who talks little, when his work is done, his aim fulfilled, they will say, 'We did this ourselves.'

  4. One thought comes first above all else. Your level of command over the English language makes me think that you haven't lived in this country for very long. Do you really think that as a recent immigrant, you know enough about this country to dictate the best policy for our government?
